Friday, February 20, 2009

Just Finished

Not ten minutes ago, I finished The Physics of Sunset. I really enjoyed the book, and let me tell you, it had some crazy, totally unexpected sex details. Won't ruin the story by telling you who is having sex in the book, just in case you plan on reading it. Trust me, it's a very good read!
Immediately after completing the book, I pulled over the laptop and looked up the author. You can always tell if it's really a good book by how curious you are about the author. She has another book called Failure to Zigzag.... anyone read it yet? And another title that caught my eye- yes, possibly because it had the word sex in it, and after reading this last one, I'm even more curious to see what she's got in store for us.
I did my Ebay scan and couldn't A Pocket History of Sex in the Twentieth Century: A Memoir. However, I did find a copy on another used book site, but it turns out that it's an advanced reader copy- which I hate. The release date is March of 2009. So not too long of a wait. Definetely going to splurge and buy it.
Lesson in all of this thrift store book buying is that you may end up spending more money on books if you happen to like the author. How lucky would I have to be to find the other two in a thrift store? Very lucky, I'd say.
On a side note, I went to the Antique Mall today to look for a mirror to hang in the bathroom of our old house that we are renovating in hopes of selling(quickly, I might add). While there, I decided to check out the St. Vincent de Paul thrift store. Their book selection was just sad. Not a whole lot to pick from. But, I did find a copy of edible Austin (the fall 2008 edition) and a build your own play set instruction manual of sorts. Thought it was well worth the .25 for each. I'm sure my husband will be pleased when I tell him that he gets to build a playset!
Now, off to start another book!

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